In the Clubhouse Model, people recovering from mental illness are life-long voluntary members of the clubhouse. They work side by side with staff in governing and operating the clubhouse. Members are free to choose tasks they want to be involved in and their choices are respected. Working in the clubhouse not only gives members a chance to develop job skills, but also an opportunity to perform real work that is valued by fellow members and staff. Thus, the clubhouse becomes a place where they can, through their own strengths and abilities, be made to feel needed. At the same time, they also learn to live up to certain expectations every day.
Clubhouse International welcomes and supports the launch of the World Health Organization (WHO) Guidance on community mental health services: Promoting person-centered and rights-based approaches. We are pleased that the Clubhouse Model of psychosocial rehabilitation is included in the WHO guidance and technical packages, and that our Training Center, Phoenix Clubhouse in Hong Kong, is identified as an example of community-based mental health services that are following good practices.
Guidance on community mental health services - Promoting person-centred and rights-based approaches (Pages 65-69)Mainly responsible for administration, management, employment services, and research projects.
Mimics the setting of a modern office in order to give members relevant experience. Supported education is also a major concern of this unit.
Mainly responsible for selling snacks, horticulture, producing recycled products, coordinating leisure and wholesome activities.
The Food Services Unit is run by both members and staff of Phoenix Clubhouse. It is responsible for providing breakfast, lunch, and afternoon tea on weekdays and only lunch on Saturdays.