A partnership between the Clubhouse International and Phoenix Clubhouse allow us to provide Two or Three-week Training Program for Chinese speaking working groups. We are the 11st establishment in the world, and the only one in Hong Kong and Mainland China, offering this type of training.
This three-week training experience is designed for new start-up Clubhouses or programs converting to the Clubhouse model from another service approach. The training is held at Phoenix Clubhouse so that participants can experience first-hand Clubhouse operation. Onsite consultation and assistance tailored to specific community needs is also offered in the program to facilitate the new start-up Clubhouses or programs.
A partnership between the Clubhouse International and Phoenix Clubhouse allow us to provide Clubhouse Orientations for Chinese speaking working groups. We are the only establishment in Hong Kong and mainland China offering this type of orientation. The Four-day program is held at Phoenix Clubhouse so that participants can experience clubhouse operation first hand.
The training is designed for individuals and groups who are interested in psychiatric rehabilitation and in starting clubhouses that are not currently affiliated with an established clubhouse. It provides detailed procedures on how to start a clubhouse in one’s own community and an Action Plan tailored to specific community needs. The orientation is meant to be an overview of, and not training in clubhouse operations.