”This is the first time in my life anybody needed my help.”

”If I just stayed at home, I would just sleep. But if I go to Phoenix Clubhouse, I would be doing meaningful work, like learning how to use computer.”

“If I have a job, I have a chance”


The importance of employment to recovery has been recognized by many mental health service users. Members can not only regain self-confidence and motivation to work from the Clubhouse work-ordered day, but also get the opportunity of gaining real work experience through our Transitional Employment, Supported Employment and Independent Employment vocational rehabilitation program.

Members receive unlimited individual or group support from the Clubhouse in these programs, and they also have a chance to share their feelings on work through the regular Employment Dinner. 

Companies our members are working for:

We are genuinely thankful for the following companies who provide our members with meaningful work and real wages:

Companies offering Transitional Employment or Group Placement

Eli Lilly Asia, Inc.


Engel & Volkers

Mass Mailing (Group)

Hongkong land Limited

Document Control Clerks

Office Assistant

Morgan Stanley Asia Limited

Document Control Clerks

Urban renewal Authority

Office Assistant

The Jardine Engineering Corporation, Limited

Mass Mailing (Group)

Companies offering Supported Employment

601 Dina House

Office Assistant

7-Eleven Hong Kong

Shop Assistant

Baker McKenzie

Marketing Assistants

Learning & development Administrative Coordinator

Department of Psychiatry, Queen Mary Hospital

Peer Support Worker

Department of Occupational Therapy, Queen Mary Hospital

Peer Support Workers

Hong Kong Economic Times Ltd.

Office Assistant

Jardine Matheson

Office Assistant

Mega Inspire

Occupational Therapy Assistant

Sky Trend C.P.A. Co., Limited

Office Assistants

Williams Lea

General Assistant

Mailroom Operator

Zung Fu Company Limited


What is Transitional Employment (TE)?

Phoenix Clubhouse partners with local business in providing real work opportunities to members, helping them to gain work experience, build confidence, establish up-to-date references, and thereby putting them in a stronger position to fully rejoin society through salaried employment.Characteristics

A Clubhouse staff learns the entry-level job in advance

The Clubhouse member enrolls in the employer’s personnel department as an hourlyemployee and gets paid competitive wages directly from the employer as a part-time worker. A benefits package is therefore not required

The Clubhouse staff trains the member at the job site until the staff, the member and the company’s supervisors all agree that the particular member is ready to work independently.

The member returns to the Clubhouse during non-working hours as a part of his/her support system that also prepares him/her for future independent work.

If a member needs to be absent from work, the Clubhouse guarantees absentee coverage so his/her duties will be completed covered. Either a trained clubhouse member or one of the clubhouse staff will fill in for the absentee.

Every six to nine months, the working member moves on to a new TE while a new member rotates in. Everyone can take up as many TEs as he/she likes. When a member is ready, he/she is encouraged to seek independent work or attend school with our support.

Types of work

* Entry-level positions

* Part-time, 15-20 hours per week

* Regular, predictable work schedule

* Routine, repetitive work tasks

Benefit for Transitional Employment

* No hiring process is needed.

* New employee training is done by Phoenix Clubhouse, no cost to the employer.

* Phoenix Clubhouse provides absence coverage, a free service to the employer.

* No vacancy in the position between employees.

* Double benefit for employers: getting the job done and transforming lives.

* One position can serve many members.

Supported Employment
Phoenix Clubhouse partners with local business in providing real work opportunities to members, helping them to gain work experience, build confidence, establish up-to-date references, and thereby putting them in a stronger position to fully rejoin society through salaried employment.


* Members are placed into positions which they have the skills and abilities to do.
* Clubhouse staff select a suitable member for the post.
* A member goes through the employer’s personnel process.
* Clubhouse staff provide co-training and onsite support if needed.
* Members are encouraged to return to the Clubhouse as a part of their support system and to strengthen them for future independent          work.
* The placement is time unlimited.
* Members usually have completed at least one TE.
* Clubhouse develops and maintains a relationship with the employer.
The Group Placement means there will be a group size of 2-7 members in a group, led by one staff to work in the company for a project based or seasonal job. Pool of candidates will be selected every year. Out staff helps set up the work, provides quality control, solves problem and adds to productivity. We look for tasks that are simple and repetitive like packaging, folding, sticking label, mass mailing .etc. The goal of GP is to gain work experience, increase self-confidence, establish work reference and put members in a stronger position.
Independent Employment

The job belongs to the member. 

Members may choose whether to reveal their membership with the Clubhouse.
The job may be full or part-time.
Phoenix Clubhouse offers service in:
Job hunting 
Resume Writing
Interview rehearsing
Applications assistance
Unlimited support
If your company is interested in providing employment opportunities for members at Phoenix Clubhouse, please contact Ms. Francez Leung at (852) 25178126 or by email: francez@phoenixclubhouse.org